Form di ricerca

Procedures for graduation

Procedures for graduation:

—> Fill in the degree application on Esse3 “Domanda di Laurea”

When? In the scheduled time windows:

  • From 20 April to 10 May for the SUMMER session
  • From 1 to 20 September for the AUTUMN session
  • From 1 to 20 December for the EXTRAORDINARY session

INFO: read the dedicated information TELEMATIC PRESENTATION OF THE DEGREE APPLICATION - Consult the Guide to Inserting the Online Degree Application (in italian language)

—> Deliver to the Department the SINGLE THESIS REQUEST MODEL (Modello unico richiesta Tesi) and the THESIS MODULE (Modulo tesi)

When? According to the timing and procedures required by your department.

INFO: read the #Iomilaureo Guide, contact your Department (e-mail in the Laureandi Notice “Avviso Laureandi”)

—> Upload career verification attachments to Esse3 (career attachments “Allegati Carriera”)

When? 30 days before graduation date

INFO: read the GRADUATE NOTICE and the #Iomilaureo Guide

—> Upload THESIS and attachments on Esse3 platform

When? 7 days before the session for three-year degrees and 10 days before for master degrees and single-cycle degrees


—> The last exam must be taken and recorded on the Esse3 BOOKLET “Libretto” (‘green’ bulletin, not in the ‘sites’ bulletin board’ “Bacheca Esiti”) maximum 10 days before the graduation session, (also the internship)

--> The payment of the amount due (83€, taxes, fees Adisu..) must be made no later than the deadlines of the notice of payment or, if the deadline is later than the date of the graduation session, no later than the tenth day before the session.
(EG.1: Graduation fee expiring 31/05, graduation on 15/06, graduation fee must still be paid by 31/05; EG.2: T4 expiring on 31/07, graduation on 27/07, T4 must be paid by 17 July)


30 days before the graduation session, upload to the "CAREER AUPLEGATES"(ALLEGATI CARRIERA” section of your personal page esse3

DEI STUDENTS (Department of Electrical and Information Engineering):

In particular, we invite you to read the #iomilaureo guide on page 6 to verify the procedures of your Department.

You will also have to fill out two online forms:

  • at least 60 days before the date of the degree you will have to fill out the form necessary for the Thesis Request (MODELLO UNICO RICHIESTA TESI) using the following link
  • within 20 days before the date of the degree but not before the 30th one you will have to fill out the form necessary for the Booking of the Degree Session (MODULO TESI) using the following link